Truth Bomb by OVD : Afghanistan's predictable end

 Hey Everyone,

  So one of the news stories your probably seeing these days is the collapse of the Pro-western Afghan government and military force. You'll hear all these reporters "shocked" how quickly the Taliban has re-taken the country. They will hint at the fact they believe we shouldn't have left. 

  This is all bullshit. First and foremost we never should have tried to occupy Afghanistan. Most of the Special Forces and even the CIA were against that move as Afghanistan has a history of bogging down Empires and crushing them. Secondly...the Taliban was in power before we got there. Whether we agree or not that's what the Afghan people wanted for a government. Thirdly the Afghans we put in power were for the most part corrupt officials and  Heroin traffickers. They never represented the Afghan people and were barely better than the Taliban and only because we were looking over their shoulder the whole time. Lastly the Trump administration not only announced their withdrawal but gave a time table so the Taliban could set up their plans for retaking the country knowing their only opposition would be local and easily defeated.  The Afghan Military doesn't even know what they were fighting for. So it should come as no surprise how rapidly they are retaking their own country. 

  We have wasted 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives and help the opioid epidemic start. The CIA now imports Heroin to pay for their black ops instead of cocaine.  And have ZERO to show for it. Why try and send troops back or continue this "war" at all. It's not only pointless but costs us dearly. The should evac the entire Embassy and remaining guards and call it done. If they start building terrorist training camps in Afghanistan again...we can do what we should have, instead of invading and take them out with bombs from the air or a special forces raid. Yes it really is that simple. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. This is definitely a hot fn mess. But as someone who's not military can I ask how the hell the Taliban ends up with all our surplus over there? Why do the Afghans not have it, are the Taliban taking it from them, thanks Otto..Maria

    1. It always was going to be a hot mess and why we never should have invaded. Remember the Taliban controlled the country should come as no shock that they took it all back the second we pulled out. As for the was given to the Afghani Defense forces and the abandoned it...the second we left. A total waste of time, money, lives and resources

  2. Aha, thanks Otto, I figured that's how they got it but wasn't sure and you're so right we didn't belong there, hope you're feeling a bit better ...Maria

    1. That's good to hear! We take our less pain free days as we can get them 😒 very nasty weather here, major thunderstorms and winds on tap all week. How goes the roommate search? You know I'm not sure Twitter is fn with that account you created after they banned you. Why not pop on there and post a few things & see what happens, even if you just tweet your blog, you are missed on the tweeter..Maria 😷😷😷

    2. I got a few looking from my Craigslist ad...only one seems ok so far. She's coming to check the place out Saturday...fingers crossed. And if you want to see me on these blog entries on it ;)


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