Truth Bomb by OVD : The Airport Bombing and what it means

 Hey Everyone,

  By now you've all probably heard that ISIS K (and ISSIS sub sect in Afghanistan) set off two bombs near the Kabul airport. It killed 12 US service members and a bunch of Afghani civilians. What does this mean and how will it change things?

  Well first, even though the Taliban "control" the country, they are divided themselves by regional groups and leaders all wanting power. So right now they are busy trying to figure that all out creating a power vacuum.  Meanwhile other groups like this ISIS K are also trying to fill that power vacuum and take advantage of the Chaos. The Taliban did NOT want this to happen. The results could be America getting back in(not a good idea and not likely but possible) or more likely the US responds with air power...taking out Infrastructure and leveling cities...that would all be blamed on the Taliban for letting this happen. So I'd expect the Taliban to find and take out these groups now as they pose a direct threat to stability and their power. 

  As for the US...I believe they will pull out what's left and call it done. There maybe clandestine operations to get other folks out but this airport defense will end. If more Americans or civilians are targeted again soon expect us to level Afghanistan's infrastructure and a few cities with airstrikes as a response instead of boots on the ground.  Also expect the drone war to increase. 

  There is no reason to send troops back in. This war is over and should have been a long time ago. Anyone pushing for a re-invasion is crazy or just interested in war profiteering. Either way they shouldn't be listened too. The results will still be the same. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. So sorry for them and for you because I know you feel that pain 😥😥😥 Maria

  2. Yeah...I'm ready for humans to grow up and start helping each other and advancing or society instead of killing each other and wasting our time, energy and resources doing so.


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