Truth Bomb by OVD : The American Taliban, why is the FBI failing to stop them

 Hey Everyone,

  Well another American Taliban Terrorist was threatening to blow himself up near the Capital building yesterday. Just another in a series of terrorism by the right wing fundamentalist's here in America. Yesterday a Judge was going to sentence an American Taliban member to probations for "Trespassing" until a group of Americans scoured the internet and showed the judge film of this terrorist attacking the Capital police officers. This group was civilians not the FBI...the FBI has totally dropped the ball on this. No real charges are coming out due to this lack of the FBI doing their job. I'm glad that that group of civilians did that job but it shows the FBI is either in on the COUP attempt or has no interest in prosecuting the Treasonous Seditionists that attacked our Nations capital and Democracy it's self. And they haven't really gone after the instigators of this COUP attempt either. Trump himself(we all saw his speech on Jan 6th) is still walking free and spreading more lies and stoking sedition and treason on a daily basis. 

  This has to change or the American Taliban will take over next time and make the Afghan Taliban look like rank ammeters. They are already spouting off their evil plans to kill most Americans and subjugate the others. Please pressure your representatives to investigate the FBI to see if they are in fact infiltrated and fire and jail everyone involved. Make them do their jobs and charge these terrorists with real charges like Treason, Sedition, Attempted COUP, Assault, Assault and battery, Assaulting police officers, Destruction of Government Property and theft of classified materials. Literally this can be done easily by tracking their phone GPS's that day. Let alone Social Media posts and phone records. From an investigating point of view this should be easy and a slam dunk.  

  The longer the delay doing this or worse...they never do this...increases the chance their next COUP in 2022  or 24 will be successful and we will quickly spin into civil war and collapse. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Oh hell yeah these mfrs are just running amok and the head of the crazies is kicked back at his resort in Florida, but then again he's always been untouchable, they need to RICO the whole bunch of them 😡 hope all's good with you, have a good weekend..Maria

    1. I have one person coming to see the place today...I really hope she's a good fit as I have a week to find someone or it's homelessness and the long walk for me if I don't.


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