Truth Bomb by OVD : Ant-vaccers, This stupidity must be stopped

 Hey Everyone,

  So as the ICU's are full of Covid-Delta in many states and Children are starting to catch it in huge numbers and die....we still have morons running around spouting Anti Vaccine bullshit. I have personally reached the end of my rope with them. They are why we still haven't beat Covid-19 at this point. Period. 

  These vaccines have been given to well over 150 MILIION Americans and not one has turned into Bigfoot or became the target of Jewish space lasers or grown a Loch Ness monster head out of their neck...not one. Besides the fact that these conspiracies are beyond stupid...Math doesn't lie. There are no major side effects...NONE. The fact is these vaccines have saved millions of lives. 

  So why are these morons still against vaccines and even masks ? Do they want their families to die a horrible covid death? Are they terrorists trying to kill Americans? Are their brains non-functional? I have no clue...all i know is they are extremely dumb and evil. There is no logic behind this. Even skeptics are convinced now(math doesn't lie). 

  So what can we do? Well for starters anyone not vaccinated health insurance should be canceled or cost 10 times the current the unvaccinated are the ones crushing our medical system. Secondly work places should ALL demand proof of vaccination for all employee's and customers. It's their choice not to get vaccinated...well it should be every companies choice to protect their employee's and customers from these contagious idiots. All local, state and Federal offices and services should also follow that same route and decline any public assistance to people refusing the vaccine or mask mandates. Personally I ask everyone that comes to my house if they are vaccinated or not. I've only had two that were not...they are both banned from my house. So we as individuals can make these same demands. Also fake vaccination cards should be a felony on the level of  murder...because they knew it ahead of time making it murder one(pre-planned) for anyone they infected. Enough catering to these evil idiots. this goes for anyone spreading the lies too...especially people in public office. they need to be removed from office and charged with mass murder One. Period. As that's what they are doing...fact. Also anyone entering the US should be vaccinated and screened or not allowed entry. New Zealand, Norway and Iceland all have this policy and it works. 

  The goal should be to make life so miserable and hard that they vaccinate...or they die a slow horrid covid death alone with no help. hospitals should refuse the unvaccinated for all services too. They can go die at home. I have no pity left for them anymore. they are bio-terrorists trying to kill themselves and us plain and simple.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Brother, you know I am 100% in agreement.

  2. Ditto what Bubba says! My daughter's a nurse and respiratory therapist and is now once again buried in fn covid πŸ˜₯ Not only with the unvaxxed but also with the vax who are catching the delta variant, which we most likely wouldn't have if mfrs were vaxxed and it couldn't mutate. Currently we are in the red zone here, now you'd think they'd shut us down for a couple weeks, but no, not our county exec cuz we're a big college town and they don't want to upset the students 😑 the rest of us apparently are not important..hope all is good with you Otto, stay safe 😷😷😷 Maria

    1. Yeah...I'm vaccinated but still mask up when ever I leave the house. Which is not often.

  3. I’ve seen a trend among some doctors saying they will no longer see unvaccinated patients.

    1. Good for them...I wouldn't either.

    2. My line would be...lets chose NOT to vaccinate so your suicidal and we don't have the resources to treat someone that wants to die.

  4. I’m losing my compassion for the ignorant unvaccinated masses. I like your insight that the unvaccinated are suicidal. I know one healthcare worker who can’t be vaccinated for personal medical reasons and I fear for her health with all Delta flying around. I hope the next time I see you is under much happier circumstances. That said, it was good to see you at the Sam -O- Rama my brother in the large Samily. Respect always, Yo

    1. Yeah it was great seeing you too. And yeah I feel for folks that actually can't get the vaccine. But this isn't about them. This is about the idiots not getting vaccinated that can.

  5. 24 million new first time vaccines in the last few days. Seems some are starting to get the right idea

  6. I'm now reading about idiots taking Horse de-wormer they are buying at Feed stores...and of course getting sick(it's poison). They won't take a Vaccines over 150 Million Americans have taken that is proven both safe and effective...but they will take horse de-wormer from a feed store...because FOX "news" hosts have been pushing it.

  7. Oh hell let them eat it, though it may sound cruel I'm so over the crazy bullshit that at least there will be less Republicans voting πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Maria

    1. Bad part is it isn't killing them...just poisoning them enough they need to be hospitalized...but there is no room as the hospitals are full of Covid victims. So they are making things worse...but yeah, how stupid do you have to be NOT to get the safe and effective vaccine but think...Horse de-wormer is the answer...just lol

  8. FDA "You are not a cow, seriously y'all, stop it"


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