Truth Bomb by OVD : Biden was right to bail on Afghanistan

 Hey Everyone,

  So you are seeing all these people on TV talk about how bad the situation is in Afghanistan and how leaving was wrong. Well they are War Mongering idiots. There was a reason no one resisted the Taliban...there was no real opposition. The very corrupt US backed government fled...with piles of cash...would you fight and die for them? No one would. And Trumps deals with the Taliban set this whole thing up. The fact is we should have never invaded Afghanistan. We should have just bombed the terrorist camps and used special forces for raids. By invading, it was going to end like this pretty much no matter what we did. And we knew it. All four Presidents during this war knew it...but for political reasons stayed the course. Then Trump set up this failed withdrawal and left it in Biden's hands. Biden did the right thing. Cut our losses and get the f*ck out. 

  As for the people trying to leave...I think we should evacuate as many as we can and carefully vet them AFTER getting them to a safe location. The Taliban is worried about how the world will perceive them so they aren't going full Jihad yet. They will wait for the press and the International folks to leave and then start their campaign of terror. So we have a month or two. And I'm sure they'd be ok with us sending planes to get these folks out...again...because of International opinion and they just don't want them. Any we don't get out are sure to be killed in the long run. 

  So you all know I'm no fan of Biden but he is right about this and I applaud his decision and his resolve to end this pointless war. The corporate media is talking smack for ratings and because their parent companies are the military industrial complex...who will lose money without this war. So don't believe the hype.  They want war...any war...for profits. 

  One more thing I'd like to add. The US Military will be in a bad state after this...demoralized...even though it wasn't their fault. One way we could boost moral and change their image is to use them to distribute vaccines around the world and help on the "war on Covid". It would give them purpose and make us the "good guys" again. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis. 


  1. I agree with getting out. It seems that the process wasn’t very well planned and could have been.

    1. NEO's(Non Combatant Evacuations) are ALWAYS a cluster fuck as they are mobs of scared people. In two weeks most will be out and most Americans will forget Afghanistan exists...mark my words.

    2. Biden’s assertion that no one could have known how quickly things would deteriorate? Or that the ANA would fold?

    3. I predicted did the CIA and JSOC...the writing was on the wall. We should have started evacuating right after Trump made his agreement with the Taliban to leave.

    4. Now I'm finding out the Trump Administration threw a monkey wrench in the VISA program because Stephen Miller doesn't want to take in brown non Christians. So it was intentionally sabotaged. Which should surprise no one as this is the same Administration that abandoned the Kurds and Syrian's.


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