Truth Bomb by OVD : Don't use horse de-wormers for your Covid

 Hey Everyone,

  Well FOX news strikes again...telling their viewers that Ivermectin a Horse and Cow de-worming medication...can be used to treat Covid. Which is a total lie. So now we have a bunch of Plague Nazis that won't take an FDA approved vaccine that has been safely given to over 150 Million Americans but are going out and buying Ivermectin from feed stores and poisoning themselves. Putting more stress on the over flowing Covid crisis in Hospitals. I guess stupid is what stupid does but again I believe this will also open a bunch of Law suits against FOX for spreading these lies  and getting more people killed. None the less there are those still trying to get Ivermectin so please spread the word...don't...It's poison.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



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