Truth Bomb by OVD : Double Whammy

 Hey Everyone,

  So Hurricane Ida is heading straight for NOLA and is expected get to CAT 4 before landfall. This storm was so fast people trying to flee are in un-moving traffic jams. It's also the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The states Hospital system is also overwhelmed with Covid-19 Delta that there are no beds and no where to move all the patients. The Vaccinate rate in the state of  LA is less than 50% so they are going to be in big trouble as people have to go to mass shelters and covid spreads even faster.  

  If this storm is another Katrina we should expect New Orleans will have to be abandoned. Millions of people will be displaced and stated above...all while Covid Delta wreaks havoc. Climate Change is here and it's a MFer. At this point they are calling for Shelter in place as there is not enough time for people to flee. This is going to be bad. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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