Truth Bomb by OVD : Florida's schools fights republican child murder

 Hey Everyone,

  I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. This is NOT the case for most school children in Florida where the Governor is attempting to murder as many of Florida's children as he can with ridiculous mandate bans. Forcing schools to open with out any safety. No vaccines or masks. Two school boards have done a mask mandate anyways and now the evil child murdering Governor is trying to defund those schools Supervisors. All in an effort to lock in the crazy suicidal Trump supporters for a POTUS run in 2024. It's evil, frustrating and just pointless politics. Every parent in Florida should be suing the state for endangering their children. If you live there I'd advise you NOT to send your children to these unsafe schools and if you did and your child got sick or should not only sue the Governor but also press murder one charges against him as he knowingly and intentionally put your children at risk.

  Of course this will backfire(it already is) on Gov Death Sentences as his voters are dying in droves and no one who loses a child or family member to this morons evil will vote for him.   He barely won his election in the first place. So say 20k of his voters die and another 20k stay home because he murdered their family members(a conservative guess) he won't be able to win. No Democrat or Indie will vote for a child murderer either so there is no where for him to pick up votes. He should be in prison right now for the Children he's already murdered. But apparently that's not how the "Law" works in America. Sigh.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



  1. So Pfizer's vaccine was fully approved today...Don't expect this to change the minds of Anti-science morons...they will come up with another "reason" not to take it. But companies are already making their own mandates that should help a lot. remember 80% is out minimum goal for herd immunity.


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