Truth Bomb by OVD : Gov Abbott of Texas, Hypocrite and Mass Murderer

 Hey Everyone,

  So yesterday Texas's Governor Abbott tested positive for Covid-19 after attending an inside mass Nazi party(formerly called the Republican party) fundraiser of over 600 people. The whole time trying to block mask and vaccine mandates in his state...even schools where none of the Children are vaccinated. Because of it Thousands of people from Texas including children are getting Delta and lots are Dying...the morgues are already full again. Expect mass graves in the next week or so.

  Well it turns out not only is Gov. Abbott vaccinated...he's also already had a booster shot. This evil bastard is exposing people children but has had 3 shots himself already. What a Hypocrite. 

  The Federal Government needs to charge these Governors with Mass murder and get them out of office before they kill millions of Americans with their false narratives about Free-Dumb. All the while being vaccinated themselves, so you know they know vaccines work and are safe...yet still spout out lies to kill their own constituents. This is criminal and needs to be treated as such. I'm sure as the bodies of children start piling up I won't be the only one calling for their arrest and prosecutions. If you live in these states and have anyone infected in your need to sue your Governor and press murder charges against them if your family member dies. They are evil and must be stopped...plain and simple.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



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