Truth Bomb by OVD : Gov. Ron Death Sentences kills his constituents

 Hey Everyone,

  The news is just full of stories of Disease, Death and Hospitals overflowing. A few Republican(Nazi party of America) Governors have banked that by being pro-Covid-19, and killing and getting their constituents sick...they will increase their personal chances of being the next "Trump". The believe their anti-science, pro-death stances in their states will get them the Nazi vote and into the White House in 2024.

  Of course, as I predicted this is backfiring on them spectacularly. Not only are they killing off their own voters and their family members that are stupid enough to follow this suicidal path but they are unifying everyone else against them. Their voters that don't die will also be mad about all their friends and family that died because of this anti-mask, anti-vaccine insanity and won't vote for them. A few may even go Democrat because of this betrayal. Independents will most certainly NOT vote for the science denying Nazi party of suicide by stupidity. It may even scare enough Progressives to vote Democrat in the midterms. Any way you slice it they loose.

  Right now these States(Notably Florida and Texas) and swamped by Covid-Delta. The ICU and beds are full. The Ventilators are all being used and more are being shipped in. Children are also getting hit hard with Delta. The pediatric wards and ICU beds are all full too...and school is about to open and these idiots are pushing for no masks. Children under 12 can't vaccinate yet. This will literally murder children and their families across their states in huge numbers. If it's bad enough to cause shut down's (which is a good chance) or school will also crush their economies. Of course they will try to blame immigrants and  other stupid excuses but we all know those are not only lies...they are just red meat bigotry for their Nazi party idealists. Florida doesn't even have a boarder with Mexico. So anyone not a full fledged Nazi bigot will see these lies for what they are. Even the bigots will know it's not true...but will still eat it up until their children die because of these evil morons policies like NOT allowing communities to make mask mandates or companies to make vaccine mandates. In the next week or so we'll start seeing the mass graves again and lists of children that have died. it will be horrifying. If I had kids and lived in those states I'd sue and/or move. If my kid(s) died from it...well I can't say on the internet what I'd do but I'm sure your reactions would be similar. 

  Please stay safe out there. Mask up when out and stay home as much as possible. Even vaccinated folks...we can still get and spread it. We just have a much better chance of surviving it. If you have kids...start getting them used to masks now and make sure your school has good safety protocols before you allow your children to go. Missing some school is not as bad as death. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


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