Truth Bomb by OVD : My thoughts on the "My Pillow Guy" Mike Lindell

 Hey Everyone,

  So I keep seeing news articles and reports about the "My Pillow Guy" Mike Lindell. They poke fun of him and basically write him off as a quack and Trump Sycophant. They remind us all Mike was a Crack Head That he actually believes these conspiracies. That he is a joke and not a threat. I completely disagree. 

  Yes Mike Lindell was a crack head...yes he went full Jesus Freak....yes he spouts off nonsense with fervor. But lets look at this from a wider anger. He was at rock bottom...a crack head. Then he found Jesus and is passionate about it. Every Evangelical lovers that shit...redemption  stories...then he became a actually successful business man...on his own. And he's obviously smarter than he's leading on to be. This whole thing is an act. He is an even better trump than Trump was. By showing his loyalty to not only Trump...but these twisted white supremist evangelical ideals, he has demonstrated his unwavering loyalty to "their" cause. There is no Republican or Christian that doubts Mikes loyalty and perseverance. 

  Some of you are thinking...but Otto if he's smart why act like a sycophant for Trump. The answer is four fold. There are three possible outcomes in the next Presidential election cycle. Democracy wins and Trump is a three time loser(Hilary did get more votes than he did..3 million more) and way he out. In this case Mike Steps in with his record of loyalty and success in business and his actual faith and is a shoe in for the Republican's in 2028. Which is the most likely out come. 

  Of course if Trump wins and becomes dictator for life Mike will at least enjoy a cushy position and have the Police state on his side. Not a bad consolation prize. The third is Trump tries another Coup and Republicans throw away our votes and places him in power again. Mike could stay loyal at that point for that second prize position but like I said...he's smarter than he plays...I think he would turn against Trump at that point as reality is the Nazi types are only 15% of America and the Military has already shown it will side with even if temporarily successful it won't last and it won't last long. So he'll turn on Trump for "Democracy" and run in the next election. He could also run in 2024 if Trump is convicted...another reason to help Trump push this non sense...even legally. It makes Trump skyline and proves yet again he's still trying to win the last COUP attempt. Making it easier for the DOJ to go after him. Don't underestimate crack heads...they are crafty sons of guns. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. and for those thinking Gov. Death Sentences in Florida stands a chance...his voter base is dying off right droves...and what's left of them will be pissed he killed their kids too. His political career is over by the end of summer.

  2. ...and as I was saying.. Governor Death Sentences is already in hot water and his racist ploy has failed as it's children getting it not Hispanic's and he tried to turn that as "blaming the children" it was sad...what a pathetic petty evil man.


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