Truth Bomb by OVD : Nazi Fascism in America. How the Trump Cult aims to destroy the American republic.

 Hey Everyone,

   It's hard not to know something about the rise of Nazi style Fascism going on here in the United States. In a new poll, 67% of "republican" voters think Democracy has failed and are pushing for fascism openly. They are pushing the "Big Lie" that the election was rigged and Tangerine Palpatine will be "reinstated" as POTUS. Then of course there was the COUP/Insurrection attempt on Jan 6th. Which is not getting near enough attention and the "sentences" of the treasonous seditionists is laughable. Guaranteeing that this will happen again only more violent. Now you add the voter suppression and new "laws" allowing states to over ride their voters and you have the recipe for a Fascist take over. 

   What should be done. Well first and foremost we must hold these Nazi accountable by charging them with the real crimes of Sedition and Treason and lock them up for good. And not just the low level Nazis that attacked the Capital and the American way of life...but the instigators like Don the Con and Mo Brooks and anyone that voted against certifying the election or pushing the big lie. They are Traitors and proved it and continue to prove it daily. Just like the low level Nazis...if we continue to let them do their evil, they will and they may succeed. Honestly if this COUP had happened anywhere else in the world they'd all be executed or arrested and in prison for life(depending on the Nation) by now. Every single one. This could easily be done as the NSA literally records all phone and text messages so the evidence of this COUP is there. This was a plot. It didn't just happen. The evidence is in the phone records and the GPS(on phones). 

  We also need to secure voting RIGHTS for all Americans. The Democrats need to kill the Filibuster(a racist Senate rule to help keep power in the hands of a few rich white people) and pass National voting rights laws. With strict penalties(including prison) for states and legislators that try to violate these Laws. 

  Democrats also need to deliver on a host of issues as they need to motivate their base and the Independents to actually go vote. As it stands Biden and gang are failing to deliver on all their promises and still trying to do "bipartisan" deals no one wants and the Nazis vote against anyways. A few things they could do besides end the Filibuster and Voting rights is 1) Cancel Student Debt or a chunk of it 2) Instead of eviction moratoriums we should cancel of pay off these debts(rent for renters and mortgages for home owners and land lords(no on loses everyone wins).  3) raise the min wage 4) Medicare for all or at least a public option(which is the road to Medicare for all) 5) Real legislation and funds to fight climate change. There is more but those are the big ones that would net millions of votes and ensure a strong turn out in 22/24 elections.

  Call out these Nazis. Stop calling them "Republicans" or "Alt right" them what they are publicly: Fascists, bigots and Nazis. By calling them anything else you are giving them credibility. By calling them out and normalizing calling them Fascists you will open peoples eyes and take away their veil/disguise for their evil and bigotry. Push your politicians and media to do the same.

  Arm yourself, make sure your passport is current in the event they succeed. If the Fascists do succeed(and there is a good chance they will) we will fall into civil war and America will truly be a failed state. The good news is the Nazis are only about 15% of the Nation and that number gets less daily as covid is killing off the Fascists. They are also science deniers. And most of the Military is on our side. But it will still be be ready to fight or flee. My Zombie Survival guide(on this blog) has many good tips on how to be prepared for that. 

  The main thing is to understand what's happening, try and stop it and be prepared if we can't. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. If the dems don't kick ass and do the things you mentioned we will be fd in 22 and 24 😡..Maria


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