Truth Bomb by OVD : Trump and Miller are responsible for Afghanistan for racist reasons

 Hey Everyone,

  Well some new info has come out why the evacuation of Afghanistan is such a cluster fuck. Apparently After making his withdrawal plans Trump allowed Stephen Miller to block and screw up the VISA application process for Afghani's that worked for the US Military and State Department for racist reasons. 

  Just like the Kurds and Iraqi's Trump and his racist adviser Stephen Miller made sure it was next to impossible to get VISA's for the Afghani allies...abandoning them. For two reasons. their skin color and their religious beliefs. It was pure bigotry that has us in the current situation with thousands still trying to flee the Taliban, their very lives in danger. 

  So the Withdrawal was on Trump and now the cluster fuck evacuation is too. I'm no Biden fan but this has nothing to do with him. He's doing the best he can under the circumstances. This is now all 100% Trumps failure. And he knowingly did it for racist reasons. I saw a great report on it on Rachel Maddow last night for those wanting more info.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. The worst part of this super racist Nazi he was born Jewish...a Jewish Nazi....go figure.


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