Truth Bomb by OVD : World wide Vaccine distribution. Saving the world

 Hey Everyone,

  So we are in the middle of a Pandemic which we are now suffering from various variants that are stronger strains of covid-19. The big one is the Delta variant...which comes from India. Then there is the Lambda variant hitting Texas from Peru. Did you notice both those variants came from largely unvaccinated poorer countries? So until we can vaccinate 80%+ of the world population(base herd immunity) we will continue to have to deal with covid-19 and it's variants.

  So what do we do? There are two things we could do to help make this a reality. Combined, we'd crush Covid-19. 

  The First is International Law on intellectual property is preventing countries that can make vaccines from making the new covid vaccines. All to save profit for the First world Vaccine companies that made $44 Billion off of covid-19 vaccines one year. These laws should be suspended to fight covid so countries like India can make their own "Moderna" shots and distribute them right there. The two countries standing in the way of that happening are Germany and the US of A. All for plain old greed. This would be a game changer in fighting covid and cut down on possible variants fast. 

  The second is Biden and congress to just do it. make and distribute vaccines world wide. One bill to give the Pharma companies our tax money for these vaccines(in bulk) and use the US Military and State Department to distribute them. The US Military already has bases and installations all over the world. that are supplied with everything. Including refrigerated stuff. One of the things they are all sent is vaccines. The US Military uses a lot of vaccines to prevent illness in the ranks. The State Department has a similar supply chain. With this already existing system we could distribute Covid vaccines world wide in record time. Saving the world. It would also be a moral and image booster our Military could really use. After twenty years of illegal wars like Iraq 2 and torture and Gitmo, abandoning the Kurds and failing to really change a thing...the moral is probably similar to right after Vietnam. And the world no longer looks at us as the white hatted good guys coming to save the day. Now we are viewed as colonizers and war mongers. So this would be a huge moral booster and recast the image of the American fighting Men and Women. Closing GITMO would also help this image problem out...a lot. 

  So if both were done we'd have nations helping themselves and we could save the rest using the military. Simultaneously. Covid would get hit with a left followed by a right. The knock out punch would be getting the idiots in America to vaccinate...of course if they die off...we get the same result and at this point I don't feel sorry for them. Over 150 Million Americans have taken a covid vaccine and none have been mind controlled, shot by Jewish space lasers , turned into bigfoots or grown loch ness monster heads from their bodies...not one. It's safe. Math doesn't lie. And I like the sound of "America saves the world" about you? 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I really wish someone would suggest this to Biden. This would be a great Legacy for him and guarantee a win in 2024. It would sway all the old school actual Republicans and Progressives. It's a win win.


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