Underfoot Memes

 For the Underfoot's memory


  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love that you had him on Tinder with you, looks very similar to my Mr Whitetail, seriously am so happy you'll have a cat in your life again, I know that no cat will ever replace Underfoot (one of the best cat names ever), but I think it will do you good 😁❤ Maria...I don't suppose you'll let me have cat treats delivered via Amazon, now I know you're not a fan, but the cat won't care πŸ˜‚ I order all my cat stuff from there simply cuz my back can't take hauling food, litter, etc., take care Otto

    1. Underfoot was a her. Yeah that is a common grey Tabby look. I can't wait to meet new kitty.

    2. Oh sorry I think I knew that Underfoot was a girl, I'm just so used to my two old boys...so can I send treats 😁 Maria

    3. no problem...Underfoot is a gender neutral name

    4. And just a cool cat name, there's a dude on the tweeter with cat named Flopp which I thought was cool too, post new kitty's name please 😻 Maria


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