Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So it's 4 am on a Friday morning. It's raining outside pretty steady. My pain levels are through the roof . my body shaking in pain as tears run down my face uncontrollably. But that's not even the worst part...I woke up thinking of women. It's been over 8 years since I've even felt the touch of a woman. My mammal instincts kick in a few times a year and I feel an urge to have love and a woman's touch in my life. It drives me nuts because I really don't trust American woman with my heart. They are too selfish and have zero honor or integrity. To be fair must American men are the same. It's pretty devastating knowing you'll probably never know love again in your life. On top of everything else. The constant pain and struggle to survive...for what...another day of pain and loneliness...but here I am. At least I'm not starving...that won't be until next week. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Some of us have heart and integrity

    1. ...and you're married...I tried that and lost everything.

    2. I meant that generally, that there are good women out there.


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