OVD Update

 Hey all,

  we've been hit with colder damp weather here in Oakland so I've been in a world of pain and why I haven't been posting. I can't get more than 2 hours of straight sleep before the pain wakes me. So I'm exhausted on top of the pain. I do have food and bills are paid so far so at least I'm not stressing on top of the pain...but I am lonely as Hel. The trailer for the next season of the Expanse came out...good news it looks amazing...bad news it will be the last season of the Expanse...BOOOOO. Right now I'm watching "Foundation" on Streamlord(my Free Norsk site) and it's good. Math never lies !!! I highly recommend it. Veterans day and the Marine Corps Bday are coming up in a month which usually brings me some visitors and care packages and the like. I'll make a blog entry about things I could use or need soon for those that wish to send stuff. Also a reminder for those in the Oakland Area...on the First day of Yule I will have my annual Yule Gathering with my Great Great Grand mothers Mulled Wine and of course a Yule log(Spiral Ham). If you plan to attend please make sure you're fully vaccinated. The Yule starts December 21st this year and goes to January 1st. So the Gathering is Tuesday Dec 21st at 5 pm. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis


  1. There is now a 25 mph wind coming in blowing artic winds(super cold) I have my windows shut and heater on...sigh. The pain is indescribable it's so bad. I ate 4 cookies and am still trembling in pain.

  2. Omg I wish it would get cold here, lol, nice flower...hope you feel better soon Maria

    1. still pretty cool here so I'm still hurting bad. But thanks.


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