Truth Bomb by OVD : Covid Delta and the Morbid Reality

 Hey Everyone,

   So numbers...the USA is reported covid cases numbers have started everyone a false sense of security coming into the holiday season. Reality though is a bitch that will publicly slap you.

 Fact...vaccinated folks are getting Delta and spreading it. Yes we survive and yes most never even know they had it. So they go unreported.

Fact...the hospital system in a number of red states are those that go home to die or die waiting in the parking lot...aren't counted...yet.

Fact...these same states undercount intentionally, and get caught. So we can safely assume they are still doing it. It goes with their hoax's and conspiracy's (they are just conspiracies...theories require thought and facts)...the conspiracy being to politically bully their own people to get more votes...yeah...cray cray...but real as it gets.

Fact...all those that die at home...or can't get a bed or get bumped because they are unvaccinated...or die waiting in the parking lot...won't be counted until later...but it's statistically big...2/3rds big at this level. When you see bodies on the streets then that statistic changes...too basically...oh fuck. Bring out yer dead.  

Fact the winter and Holidays are germ spreading events on a level that is mind boggling...almost as bad as schools...which Fact...are open and children are dying. So Grand Ma and Grand Pa better stay home for the holidays...even vaccinated they could be vulnerable. This is the last winter...the unvaccinated will die off in droves. Stay safe and keep your loved ones safe...Next year we might be able to have FrogBat and BaconFest again.

  So set up your people pods...if you have kids...get them vaccinated A.S.A.P but still play if safe at least until then the world should be vaccinated up...even the third world. The unvaccinated will be either dead, screwed from covid side affects for the rest of their lives and dealing with the loss of so many loved ones. This was a Darwin test and they failed. Plain and simple. One more winter...we can do the English would say "Stiff upper lip". Don't fall for this fake sense of security. The last time I went the bank...located in the rich white people area of Oakland and half of them weren't even masked...and most were old...when your old...vaccinated or not...don't temp will bite your ass. I guess they'll learn the hard way. Sigh.  

Last Fact

Even though the cases of Covid count is down...the Death count is still well over 2500 a day. 2800 yesterday. Numbers don't lie. The death count is getting higher...not lower...but magically the case numbers have dropped...To me that points back to all the above facts. 

Elhaz Raidho

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. The case numbers are now surging again...up I said...stay safe...this is NOT over.


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