Truth Bomb by OVD : DoD vaccine requirements and the facts

 Hey Everyone,

  So the right wing is going off about how the Military is going to discharge service members that refuse to get the FDA approved Covid vaccine. So here are the facts...


 The DoD already requires 17 other vaccinations. If you refused any of them you would be discharged. 


Over 5 billion people have received the vaccination around the world. There are no bad side effects. The few rare problems were all genetic and one in a milion.


The Military would be in big trouble if Covid broke out in the ranks. A lot of service members live and work in close environments. It would spread like wild fire...just like the Spanish flu did in WWI. Just the personnel you would lose to Covid death would decimate our military(decimate is a 10% lose) And the ones that survive will have the heart, stomach, lung, brain and reproduction problems Covid gives you. Creating a huge influx of Disabled Veterans into an already failing system. It would also do Hel on recruitment. Who would join a Military that willingly lets a disease ravage it? Sounds like the Scottish suicide


If the President gives the order then, not complying is disobeying a direct legal order from the Commander and Chief. So expect a dishonorable discharge. Which also makes you a felon that can no longer own guns or vote. The alternative (if they are being nice) is a Big Chicken Dinner(BCD :Bad Conduct Discharge. Which is slightly lesser and you can appeal it after a number of years to try and get an other than honorable discharge. Biden has given the order and so did the Secretary of Defense. So it's a done deal.


Most troops are scared to death of their NCO's and when told to get in line by a Sgt to get your vaccination shot...they will comply...or it gets the Whiskey Locker. They can still give you the vaccine if you are unconscious. When you sign that contract and make that are Government Property within the Law. They don't call it the suck for nothing. 

So the Nazi talk radio/blog/YouTube/fake news will be throwing a fit about this but they don't have a leg to stand on. Any service member that is convinced to refuse the vaccination....deserves their dishonorable discharge and lose of their guns and voting rights. As they are willing to threaten the lives of their unit for some stupid political ploy...yeah...we don't need them in My Marine Corps. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Almost seems like there should be a class called “how to tell when you’re being played by foreign governments using psyops and misinformation”


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