Truth Bomb by OVD : Dune

 Hey Everyone,

  So Dune came out on my Norsk site last week(yes before it hit the theaters). I have read the book(awesome) and seen the first movie which was an epic fail. This time they got it right. The acting, directing, writing and special effects are great. It's a bit long at 2 and a half hours but worth it. I've watched it twice now and it's even better the second time. It must be amazing on the big screen. I can't do movie theaters due to the pain involved but if I could this would be worthy watching on the big screen. The scenes are amazing and huge. I suspect this movie will make a ton of money in the theaters from people seeing it at home and saying...fuck I gotta see that on the big screen.  

   The bad's "part one" and there is no plan to make part 2 yet. So hopefully it will make enough money to push them into filming the next part and fast. 

I highly recommend it.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Yes they did an excellent job, lets hope the actually make the next one. They have not even approved filming to start, sigh.

    1. They are pushing hard ..the director wanted to shoot 2 movies at the same time but we will have to wait as they didn't let him. Good news is there is already talk of a Dune Series on HBO

  2. They just announced Part 2 comes out October 2023...F*ck Yeah !!!

  3. I posted an outstanding Dune meme today...for those interested.


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