Truth Bomb by OVD : Great news for Democrats

 Hey Everyone,

   So Don the Con has made it clear he's planning in running in 2024. And the polls say 2/3rds of the republican base is all for it. Making him the clear front runner for 2024. 

  How is this good...well let me explain. Biden was a bad choice. He has little leadership or Charisma and his policies are weak and incremental. Add the fact his own party is blocking any of his looked like the Nazi party(formerly known as The Republican Party) could possibly win as they have a huge amount of voter suppression bills passing and Biden for a second term would have had no enthusiasm. The ONLY reason Biden won in 2020 is the majority of Americans hate Trumpty Dumpty and his Fascism, so they voted against it...not "for" Biden. Well if Trump is the nominee again...which it looks like...Biden could win again just from American voters turning out to vote against The Racist Orange Menace. 

  Of course us Indie's are not happy about it as we will be stuck with Biden 4 more years of nothing being done as our World burns and floods and working class Americans can't even afford to rent an apartment. In fact right now they are in the process of evicting 11 Million Americans. We need a bold leader and there just aren't any here. Exhibit A...Trump...fat, old, stupid, racist, sexist and evil, who is constantly lying, is considered a "strong" leader by right wingers...laugh/cry. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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