Truth Bomb by OVD : Here comes the storm

 Hey Everyone,

  So a large storm front is hitting the entire west coast from the Bay Area up to Vancouver. Last night it rained here in Oakland and it will continue raining on and off until Sunday. This is great news in general as we are in draught conditions and this will put out those huge fires that have been burning for months. We'll be able to breath again...hurray !!!

  Personally it means pain to me. I'm shaking in pain typing this now. If I don't post as often that will be why. All weather changes bring pain but wet and cold are the worst. It's in the low 50's(F) now and very wet. Good news is I got a new patch of pot cookies delivered last night so hopefully they will help me ride out this pain wave. I also have to go food shopping today as I'm out of everything. I only have like $40 to spend so the end of the month will be foodless. But I think I can at least get close. The shopping will hurt like hell but it's that or go 13 days without food which is too much. 

  My place is on the second story and has a great view of the bay. Here's the picture I took yesterday about 6pm of the storm rolling in. My camera on my cheap phone sucks but the picture is pretty good...

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Did my I'm broken and broke again. But at least I won't starve for a week.

  2. It also looks like the storm will be here until next Monday at least.


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