Truth Bomb by OVD : No one else will say it so I will...

 Hey Everyone,

  So here we are in Oct 2021 with an FDA approved(hardest approval on the planet) vaccine with no side effects of note. That billions of people around the world have taken safely...

  Yet there are still Nazi idiots out there still fighting against getting vaccinated. 

Here's what I have to say...

...and no it's no politically correct...

Stop trying to vaccinate them. Let them die. Cut them off from being able to use the hospitals since they chose to die. The facts are in. Cut them off of medical insurance, fire them...every single one. Enough is enough. These suicidal morons won't be swayed by facts or logic...they have made that clear. So stop trying. This is a Darwin test and they failed. Let them. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


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