Truth Bomb by OVD : The Rittenhouse trial already a mistrial

 Hey Everyone,

  Remember back in the Black lives Matter protests when the Nazi Kyle Rittenhouse, took an illegal firearm across state lines to murder protesters. Murdering two people and wounding a third. Well his trail started and the Kenosha Country Judge Bruce Schroder has ruled that the victims of Kyle's murderous act can NOT be called victims and must be referred to as rioters and looters even though they were just legally protesting. Not only is this action evil and heinous but it assures a mistrial as it is wrong and illegal. this Judge should be removed from the bench and charged with adding and abetting a murderer. 

  We all know the Nazi Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty of mass murder and this Judge is trying to use his power to change that. Please contact your reps and any legal groups you're involved with to stop this evil from playing out. If this murderous Nazi punk is set free, there will be riots...making last summer look small and quaint in comparison. And rightfully so. This Nazi murdered 2 people and shot a third. This Nazi brought an illegal firearm across state lines to do it. This Nazi was given special treatment from both Law Enforcement and now the Judge. This blatant and open racism needs to be squashed immediately or we will have a host of Nazi Kyle's running around the country murdering protesters with no consequences.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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