Truth Bomb by OVD : Veterans Day and the Marine Corps Bday is around the corner

 Hey Everyone,

  So the rain finally stopped here and I'm feeling a little bit better.  Some last minute money help from a friend got me to the end of the month. But I am running out of smokable weed and cookies. So I have to stretch them meaning I have to deal with pain more. If I run out I have 5 Morphine pills left and I really don't like those. After that I have no clue what I'll do.

   So November 10th  the Marine Corps will be 246 years old and the 11th is Veterans day. So this would be a great time to reach out to the Veterans in your life. This is the Holiday for day is for our Dead comrades and friends. The "deals" out there for Veterans are crap so don't push them. Most Veterans don't have any extra spending cash anyways. Another thing is posting suicide prevention hotlines. It looks like you're trying to help but to a lot of us that's the "call some rando on a hotline because I don't care" post. Instead try "Call me" or..."I'll come for a visit". It shows you actually care and that does more for a Veterans than any hotline or Non profit. Care packages are also a great Idea...I mean who doesn't like getting a care package...and like I said most of is Veterans are dirt poor so something as simple as some nice snack foods, books, socks, cool t-shirts, a good bottle of booze and whatever other clever nice things you can come up with. That will definitely make a Veterans day(pun intended). And of course cash money always helps. 

  Keep in mind the "Holidays" are around the corner which is a challenging time for most folks's super tough for Veterans. So this might be the only good thing for them mentally for awhile. 

For those that want to help me, my GoFundMe is still up (link below) 

If you want to visit call me...or message me your number here and I'll call you and delete your number once I have it.,

Things I could use

Weed and Weed Biproducts(Hash, keef, Honey oil) I am OUT of weed and need it to deal with the pain. I have a high tolerance(as you can imagine) so multiple strains work better for me.

Weed Trim or schwag weed. I get pot cookies from a sweet old woman who bakes them for many disabled folks for free. I give her any trim scraps or schwaggy weed that is given to me so she can make more pot butter for the cookies. 

Edibles, so like I said above I get pot cookies semi-steady but there are gaps so I like to have some other edibles on hand to fill those gaps. Gummies are the easiest as the dosage is labeled well. If in doubt ask me. Please no THC pills. They are a scam and don't work. 

Snacks, I'll just list some I like : Shortbread(Scottish), Frito's corn chips, Cheese it's(white cheddar), M&M's caramel(blue bag), Most cheeses(NO processed Food Cheese Stuff), Salami, sausage, picked artichoke hearts, Scandinavian gummies(Trader Joes sells two different kinds), chocolate chip cookies, sugar wafers(vanilla),Ritz crackers, butter crackers, Smart food(cheddar cheese popcorn), Rockstar "Punched" flavor(red can)...I tried to list things that could be shipped.

House hold items : Bleach and bleach bathroom cleaner, Dawn dish soap, Pantine 2 in 2 shampoo conditioner(regular). Irish spring soap, Tall kitchen garbage bags, green scratchy kitchen sponges, Pine Sole, Air freshener's. 

T-shirts : XL or XXL(if made in China) anything Viking or USMC, I like funny shirts one of my favorites just says "shut up hippie". I can sport any color but most of my t-shirts are black. 

Other Clothing, Socks for big feet, Sweat pants(6'4" 250 lbs) prefer old school but any will do. A nice Norsk sweeter lol...<winks at the Gods>

Booze, I don't drink much these days but like to keep the liquor cabinet stocked for visitors. I'm a single malt scotch fan myself but could use everything from Vodka to Irish cream(Baileys), some standard whisky's like Jameson's is always good in a pinch.  

Other Items or help I need

I need a putty knife and window scraper tool with blade to fix the window Tony screwed up. I have the putty. I could also use a hand doing it.

I need to use a rope to lower a big fern in a big pot off my roof. Tony left it up there to die so I've been keeping it alive. I need to lower it down with a rope. Anyone can clam it if they help getting it down.  

That's all I can think of. Feel free to share this on Twitler and Fascistbook where my old friends there will see it...thanks.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



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