Help needed...PS-4...details below

 Hey Everyone,

  So I was playing my new game Battlefield 2042 having a great time and ganked my stick hard that pulled it out of the plug. Nothing major but then the screen went blank and all I can get is Cannot access system storage (Ce-34335-8). I looked it up and it involved opening the system up and then unplugging and plugging the hard drive back in...requiring specialized screw drivers of course. Which I don't have. I'm in Oakland. I'm looking for someone with proper tools to fix's my only entertainment besides this old PC that's not in great shape either. If I was still on Facebook I could find an old friend nearby that could do it in 5 minutes and be be rock'in...but alas I'm banned for my Anti-Nazi stance yet Congress people can post Fantasy kill video's and only get a warning label on their Facebook and Twitter posts...two legal for the Nazis and 1% and one for the rest of us. We just saw it in the Nazi mass murderers trail. He got away with "self defense" even though the law is clear...if you violate the law on your way self defense is not usable and that Nazi kid broke many including felony crossing state lines with a illegal fire arm which also proves intent. This case should have been a slam dunk but all involved were white Supremacist's except for the victims...protesters. Anyway...I really could use some help with this PS4...S.O.S...



  1. I just need 1 fine Phillips head screw driver to fix the PS4 if it's fixable.


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