Otto Update :Good day turns to Hel day and night

 Hey Everyone,

  So I had a great day planned yesterday. I had a grower friend going to bring me some cookies guy Tom was having a gathering at his place 4 blocks away were a few other grower friends were going to come to watch the CAL vs Stanford game. The weather was nice. Another friend Nick called and said he's stop bye. I was playing my new PS4 game Battlefield 2042 having a blast ...when it all went to shit.

  It started with a tooth chipping, not only leaving the nerve exposed but a sharp edge that's been cutting my tongue all day and night. All those friends never showed, never called and only Nick called me back when I called them. Also my PS4 died that afternoon...just as my cookies kicked in. I can't drink, eat or swallow...even talking hurts as this tooth keeps cutting my tongue. And no the VA doesn't have dental. Then last night some wild arctic winds came in causing pain that made the tooth ache seem nice. That wind is still blowing and it's 7:30 am. I'm just miserable and feel abandoned and hopeless. 

Even typing this is pointless as less and less people read it. 

I fell lost...

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large '

Semper Fidelis 


  1. and of course I don't have a fine enough Phillips head screw driver to fix my PS4...fuck.

  2. Well I was able to fix the PS4 thank the Gods. Also One grower friend showed today with an once of "Ice cream cake" about to smoke some now.

  3. Glad something good happened, mouth pain fucking sucks so bad. When I started smoking weed again the first one I smoked was some kind of cake and it was phenomenal...Maria

  4. The open tooth nerve isn't even as bad as the GWS nerve damage but yeah...extra pain sucks. And yeah this is really good weed(24% THC)


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