Otto's Yule Gathering Info

 Hey everyone,

  So this post is just to give an easy reference for the Yule Gathering.

It's Tuesday December 21st and will start at 5pm(Mulled wine and Ham are served)

I will have a full batch of my Great Great Grand Mothers Mulled wine(with brandy so it kicks).

There will be a spiral Ham and some holiday treats and snacks.

There will be my famous Plate-O-Joints...Otto joints of course. 

My address is 3003 MacArthur Blvd apt 2 Oakland CA 94602

You must be vaccinated of course

This is a Norsk Pagan Celebration but all religions and cultures are welcome. If you want to bring something to add that's great but not required. 

-Otto Von Danger 

\SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Add Metric and his wife to the Yule gathering

  2. Wish I could. It's snowing here and I'm going into my 4th week of strep throat feel like hell Maria

    1. Sorry to hear. my throat has been achy recently so I've been putting honey in my tea. It helps


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