Truth Bomb by OVD : America has become the land of the stupid people

 Hey everyone,

  So every time I read or watch any news about America these days they have one common denominator. Stupid people. My friends abroad and back home in Norway agree. Americans are by far are the stupidest humans in all history...there's a pandemic...stupid people don't want to wear masks...a safe effective vaccine is developed...stupid people won't get it. Qanon...the whole thing is an example of the stupidest stupid we wonder how they can breath. We try and give free childcare...stupid people are against it. We try to make Medicare for all save Trillions of dollars and millions of lives...again...stupid people stop it. You want to educate people about bigotry and racism and again stupid people are there to scream foul and stop it. 

  So how did America become so stupid and what can we do to turn the tide? When I first arrived in the states in 1975 the education here wasn't as good as Europe's or Scandinavia's but it was decent. Since Reagan took office the American education system has been redesigned to fail even worse. Don't believe me. Go to any college campus in America and ask who fought in the civil war, where was it, when was it and why was it fought...and you won't find many students that can even guess let alone know those simple truths and answers. Religious dogma is another big problem. One of America's strengths has always been the separation of church and state. Well not anymore. Specifically Christian lies and fear mongering have replaced logic and deductive thinking in America. Also the system set up on property taxes insures poor working class folks...especially of color get shitty overcrowded, underfunded schools. Median testing has also brought teaching down to the lowest level...memorizing for multiple choice test. Lets not forget the anti-science crowd(mostly Christian) attacking facts and breakthroughs. Now add private schools getting public funds while college's and Universities are so expensive with a loan shark system that working class folks can't afford it or are ensured a lifetime of debt and servitude. And you have the recipe for the dumbest people on the planet. 

 And America...the world is not laughing with you...they are laughing at you...and crying a little too.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis



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