Truth Bomb by OVD : Another Covid surge

 Hey Everyone,

  Well sadly just as I predicted the Covid numbers are getting bad...really bad. Europe is getting hit hard already especially Eastern Europe where there are many more unvaccinated folks. Usually our surges happen about two weeks after Europe's. Even Iceland(85% vaccinated) is getting hit hard. So hard the US just put Iceland on the no fly list. 

  So I'm going to remind you that even vaccinated you can still catch it and spread it. Stay masked when out and socially distanced. If you plan on traveling for the holidays your chances of getting it are a lot higher. If you do please get tested before you travel and when you return and stay in your Home "pod". I know we are all stir crazy and vaccinated but we are NOT out of this yet. If your family has Nazis or Anti-vaxxers don't'll get it for sure. 

  Good news though there are many more options to save people(legit at the hospital, not the crazy Anti-Vaxxer horse paste or bleach). So survival rates will be higher. But even surviving your heart, lungs, stomach, brain and reproductive organs will be messed up. So avoiding catching it, is still the best move. 

  This winter will probably be the worst we see. Which is common in these types of pandemics. Second Winter is always the biggest death toll. Add the crazy Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers trying to kill as many Americans as the's going to be the "Black Winter of Death" so stay vigilant. 

-Otto Von Danger '

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis

"Bring out your Dead"


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