Truth Bomb by OVD : How to end the vaccine debate once and for all

 Hey Everyone,

  So the anti-vaxxers are going nuts and willing to lose their jobs enough some are worried too many will and slow the economy more. Not to mention the cost of their medical care and funeral. So I have a proposal that should work on many levels...

Make a set date that everyone not vaccinated from that point on has to pay for their vaccination in the guess somewhere around $2-$3k. That could be up to $9k for the three current shots. They will not be covered for covid related medical expenses either as they made that choice. 

Also from that date forward all government bought vaccines will be shipped and freely distributed by the US Military in partnership with the state department, around the world. Because we can't stop covid mutations until the world has herd immunity(80%). 

...Reality is as soon as they think the vaccine has cash value...they'll get it. Why should some poor third world country people get it they'll get it fast to get it while it's free and doesn't fuck up their health insurance.'s really that easy.

Side bonus...the US Military is not only a great supply chain for vaccines but it could boast our image around the globe. The face of the "Save the world with vaccines" call to battle. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. This is also a good example of the KISS rule..Keep It Simple Stupid


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