Truth Bomb by OVD : The new cold war and Dictators common history

 Hey Everyone,

  So as you've probably read about China is wanting to take Taiwan back and is building it's military up and rattling it's sabers. While Russia builds it's military up against the Ukrainian border and beefing it's military up as well. Both Notions are testing new super sonic missiles and upgrading their Nuclear strike ability's. The US response has been to build a coalition against China including Japan, Australia and Britain, and selling massive anti-tank and anti-air missiles to the Ukraine. This is leading to, if not already a new cold war.

  The biggest threat are the two dictators Putin and Xi. The call their nations "Communist" or a "Republic" but both are Authoritarian Dictatorships. As most dictators they want to add to their "empires"...just like Hitler and every other two bit dictator in human history. Xi has the biggest problem. He wants to invade Taiwan but they have a decent defense and if the US and it's allies respond it's WWIII. So expect that to stay a stand off. Xi maybe an insane dictator but WWIII is suicide so this will end in a cold war stand off. Putin however could invade the Ukraine as NATO has not let them join yet. But again the Ukraine has a good military and could mess Putin's army up badly and Russia can NOT afford a long costly war. Russia's economy is already weak and Russia's military is far from it's former size. If Putin attacks and fails it could mean the end of his dictatorship in Russia too. And of course if Russia was to start winning the West could jump in too...and again WWIII. 

  So the stakes are high for everyone. Diplomacy and solid military response are the keys to keeping these two evil douche bags in check. Keep an eye on this space...

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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