Truth Bomb by OVD : New Covid variant and surge...just like I said.

 Hey Everyone,

  I hope you all had a good holiday. I haven't seen another human being for 4 days and haven't eaten in 3. But I have some money coming from my GoFundMe next week(the stupid holiday, it took longer to process). So I'll be eating Monday. 

  So Covid cases are climbing everywhere. Europe was just hit really bad and now it's hitting us. Just as I warned you a week or so back. Also there is a new variant out of South Africa freaking the world out...again...I said if they don't vaccinate the whole world, we should expect variants until they do. And a new worse variant is out there wreaking Havok. The new Variant is called the Omicron variant. It's deadlier and spreads easier. They've already blocked flights to and from South Africa but it's too hit Europe and is spreading. Which means in 2 weeks it will be the same here. In fact for a rule of thumb...anything with Covid that happens in Europe happens here 2 weeks later. There are too many ties between North America and Europe for it to be stopped. Also if you notice these Covid waves come a predictable timeline. And here we are...just like I said. No it's not magik...just good old fashioned Math. Math never lies. 

  Those of you that traveled or had visitors over for, Genocide and Steal Land day, should probably self quarantine and get tested. As it was definitely the mass spreader event I warned you all about weeks ago. If you're still unvaccinated all I have to say is you're dumb and are trying to kill those close to fuck you. I hope you die choking on a plastic tube shoved down your throat. I'm done with niceties for people literally trying to kill me and others. NONE. Fuck of to fuckoffville and keep fucking off to the cliff of fuckoff...fuck off right off that cliff and fuckoff to the bottomless pit of fucking off fuckers.  

  For the rest of us sane folks...stay home, mask up and get your booster. Hopefully after the Black Winter of Death the unvaccinated will be dead or sterile(yes covid makes people sterile) and we can move on. But if the Industrialized nations don't start vaccinating the whole world we will probably go through this one more time at least. Stay safe.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



  1. Fauci has already said Omicron is here already.

  2. New York just declared a state of Emergency...its here and it spreads faster than any other strains yet. It's Immune to some off the anti-bodies so get your boosters ASAP and go full lock down mode...or be ready too.


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