Truth Bomb by OVD : Rep. Gosar tweets murder threats and isn't banned

 Hey Everyone,

  So last night the Nazi rep from Arizona, a guy named Paul Gosar tweeted a video from an anime film that had super imposed his face on a character that murders another with AOC's face on it and another with President Biden. He posted it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Facebook and Instagram have left it up and twitter only put a warning on it. They didn't remove it or even suspend or ban him. In comparison I was banned from Facebook for saying "Nazis are Bad" in a comment about WWII. I was banned from Twitter for saying "That's treason and we all know the punishment for treason". BANNED. Cutting a disabled Veteran off from the world. Yet this guy Gosar, who literally raises money for Nazi groups and posts this treasonous, murderous bullshit and....nothing. This is how broken our country is. I wish I knew a Lawyer that would sue both Twitter and Facebook for me(and most likely thousands of others) for being wrongly banned from a social media site while they allow treason and murder fantasy to go unchecked. 

  If nothing is shows clearly our slip into Nazi Fascism. You should be scared...very scared. These are Nazis and we all know what Nazis do. "Nazis are Bad".

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I wish you'd come back on Twitter btw, Pam says hello 👋 Maria

    1. and if I was my response to that fucking murderous shit would have got me banned again.


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