Truth Bomb by OVD : The "Republican" party is the party of Evil

 Hey Everyone,

  Everyday I read and watch and read more reports of the straight up evil done and spread by the "Republican" party...these Nazis are now blasting violent rhetoric all over the place. You can see their "agenda" is against helping any human and attacking Americans with Bigotry and Hate. They have no policy idea's and push Anti-Vaxxer bullshit to kill Americans. They hate every kind of American except White, Male, Rich, Christians...the rest of us they plan to kill...just like the Nazis in the 1940's. It's what their party has been plotting and trying to do for over a year now...overthrow our Republic and make America a Dictatorship with Christianity as their religion...again if you're not one...they will kill you. 

  Look who's in that party...evil little Nazis spreading hate and violence. Moscow Mitch, Gosar, Boebert, Cawthorn and Geatz to name a few. Literally trying to make the Nation fail so they can take power...and murder us. Jan. 6th was just a glimpse of the madness to come. Using lies, fake conspiracies and every form of Bigotry under the Sun. 

  If these evil losers do take power, expect the United States to fail and become some Fascist state. Everything they do and say is EVIL. There is no gray area like the Republicans of the 1970's. These evil douchebags are 100% Nazi Trash. Stop calling them by the nicer versions they came up with like...Right wing= Nazi, Neo-Nazis=Nazis, Alt right=Nazis etc. 

  We are still the majority(79%)...these Nazis(21%) are just loud and armed. We need to call them out harshly every time. Confront their evil everywhere and be prepared for the worst(Civil War). These Nazis are fanatical and won't stop until we stop them. And don't think for a minute the Democrats are going to stop them...they can't even pass their own agenda with both houses and the POTUS...they are worthless and weak. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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