Truth Bomb by OVD : "Thank you for your service" and why Veterans Day should just be canceled

 Hey Everyone,

  So Veterans Day was yesterday. I was offered some scam "deals" from the VA and their corporate overlords and my fellow veterans called or visited. Of my none veteran friends on 5 sent or said anything and two of those were "Thank you for your service". Which is funny and sad. In the active duty military right now troops say "Thank you for your service" when ever they see one of their own being fucked over. They all know the statement really means" I say this line because we don't care and it's easy to do".

  The sad reality is us veterans in the United States are hated. We are the number two group murdered by police. The highest poverty per capita. The highest suicide rate(22 a day...still). Homelessness and drug/mental heath issues way higher then any other "job" or field. Both parties say the same bullshit flag waving lines but do nothing for fact make it worse. all the stupid rules and screwy math I tell you about is all because Congress...(both parties) passed that shit to intentionally sabotage the VA and us Veterans.

  So why even bother having a "Veterans Day"? This Nation hates us. The Government hates us and fucks us over daily...and we are so tired of the fake patriotism. Just tell the hate us and hope we die to save you money, and stop this charade. 

  At the end of this month when I'm starving and out of pain meds...I'll remember to tell America to...

"Have a nice Day"

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at large 


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