Truth Bomb by OVD : Well it happened...white Nationalists can now legally murder protesters in America. Civil War next.

 Hey Everyone,

  So Racism and murder won in America today as the Nazi mass murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted for Illegality having a fire arm, crossing state lines with said illegal firearm and murdering two protesters and injuring one. The Racist Judge and failed racist prosecutors(who could have won this case in minutes or got a mistrial but didn't). 

  So this means every Nazi with an AR-15 will be showing up to protests to murder as many Americans as they can as this basically makes it legal. Of course the Left has guns too so expect gun battles instead of protests from now on which will lead to civil war. 

  Silver lining...well there is good ting...when the civil war kicks off we get to kill all the Nazis and we out number them 79% to 21% and the military is on our side and most Veterans. We must kill them all this time around. No half measures. The fact that Nazism has risen again proves that point. So if you haven't already...arm yourself...create militia's to be prepared to kill the Nazis. Stock up on storable food, water and ammo. Start making lists of the Nazis in your area that must be killed when this civil war does start.. and it will now for sure. 

  Last one should be surprised by this and the press needs to stop acting surprised when Nazis do Nazi shit...From Rittenhouse to Gosar to the Orange Twitler himself. The keep acting like this is shocking...but it isn't. Nazis will be Nazis. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


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