Truth Bomb by OVD : Why the Democrats always fail big.

 Hey Everyone,

  So you'll see in the news today all kinds of talk about the Virginia Governor's race and "what it means". It doesn't mean crap unless you live in Virginia. The Republican that ran did so not jumping on the Trump band wagon and without sticking up to him either. So the effects on national politics are zero as Trump was not really a factor. Biden and the failed Democrats where a factor. But instead of  listing broken promises and policies I want to look at the bigger picture. Why do the Democrats fail every time they have power?

  Well first you have to Understand the Democratic Party is really too parties. One is a Corporate Fascist "Republican light"...which is the Manchin and Biden. The other is the progressives like Bernie Sanders and Pramila Jayapal. The Corporate types don't like or want any real change. Their only interests are money and personal power. They play the platitudes game to get minority and working class voters while hooking up the Corporations with bailouts and tax breaks. They are Right wing...not center right. The Progressives want actual change. Most of what they want is what nations like Norway have had for decades or a Century such as Medicare for all. And the DNC plays on this. The make all kinds of police proposals that people like(progressive policies) then vote them down in their own party like is happening right now with these "Infrastructure" bills. Every time. So people get disenfranchised and don't vote until the Republicans take they always do...and make things worse. The people flock back to the Democrat's policy proposals to try and fix things...that never happen and the cycle continues. It has now since 1980. The world is flooded or on fire and they still haven't done a damn thing...40 years of Nothing but hooking up the wealthy. 

  What can we do....well in a sane country like Norway they would stop voting for either party as they are both shitty and evil. But we live in my best advice is to help Unionize our nation again. That's our real power. That way they have to give us something...any party...or we shut the country down and they get zero money. That and push more and more progressive candidates to run or Primary Democrats. But remember the DNC will corrupt most of them fast(exhibit A: AOC). 

  The last thing I have to say on this is none of it will matter when the Republicans do another COUP in 2024 and American Democracy dies do I know this will happen? Look at the Democrats response to the last any other Nation they would all be in prison or in front of a firing squad within a month. Every single one. But here we are...almost a year later and they still haven't done shit...but one committee that has no real power. Meanwhile 30% of Republicans (aka the Nazi party of America) think they need to violently overthrow the Government. The chatter is loud and constant yet there is no FBI or Homeland Security response to these terrorist discussing overthrowing Democracy with armed rebellion. The Scary not good future is clear in the next few years. The Democrat's will not get their shit together...they are incapable of it. And Coal Barron Corporate Democrats like Manchin and Sinema will fit right into the fourth Reich comfortably. 

-Otto Von Danger '

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



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