The Real Yule and Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So The mulled wine is cooking on the stove and the Otto Stead smells like Yule. The Ham is on the way and it will be the bomb. I'll be cooking it all day tomorrow. I make my own honey glaze that's to die for. The Decorations and lights are up and a chunk of the cleaning is done. 

  I went to Metrics on Saturday for his gathering. It was fun but wrecked me bad. I spent Sunday in bed. I'm still a ball of pain but it's go time so I'm getting it all done. If you're in my area and want to help pop over. I could use it. 

  So Yule....Yule is a Pagan Celebration of the Leaving of the Darkness and the coming of the Light and Life again. Odin is the God most represented on Yule. The old one eyed wizard. Odin(or Wodin or Wodinaz) would travel Midgard on his flying interdimensional traveling stead Sleipnir that has 8 legs. He would travel with an elf and if your stead was good they blessed you. If you were evil then Odin would send the elf in to kill you and yours.  This is were the Sant Clause and flying reindeer bullshit story comes from. Santa represents Odin. And the flying reindeer represent Sleipnir. This holiday has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. They stole it in order to covert Northern Europeans and Scandinavians. What's the phrase for that...oh yeah...cultural appropriation. 

  Traditionally Yule is celebrated over 10 days. The First day of the Yule being the Noel or the longest Night(The Solstice) and done so with feasting, drinking and gathering with friends and families. Pooling their resources to get through the rough winters of the North. Gifts were not a common thing...that didn't start until America in the early 1900's. 

  Otto update: So I'm hurting but excited for the Noel tomorrow. It will probably be my last meal of the year as I'm broke. I've been living off of Peanut butter and honey sandwiches. But I expected this. It's why I started buying ingredients months lesson the economic pains. I have no plans after the Yule gathering at my place tomorrow. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



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