Truth Bomb by OVD : The Republican war on Christmas and Jesus

 Hey Everyone,

  The weather here got cold and damp again causing crazy pain, so I haven't been posting as much sorry....Now onto the topic. So the Republican came up with this fake war on Christmas crap years ago. in their attempt to make a Minority white ruling Religious state. They claim to be Christians but there's no way as they preach hate, war, guns, death, taxing the poor to give to the rich and lie constantly. The latest craze is to take "Christmas" pictures with the family all armed. It's not new but it's becoming a common theme with Nazi level conservatives. 

   So lets get right to it...Jesus was against violence and murder, Jesus feed and helped the poor, Jesus said assist the asylum seekers, Jesus's only violence was against rich bankers. So what do you think Jesus would say about these kinds of violence spreading pictures? I'm pretty sure he would send all those families straight to Hell. I know my Gods would(or Niflheim as they have no honor either). It's just disgusting how openly evil these Republicans are becoming.

  So are the Republican's openly attacking Jesus on his Birthday? Looks that's their war on Christ and Christmas. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 



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