Truth Bomb by OVD : Russia vs Ukraine

 Hey Everyone,

   So lets talk about Putin's Military buildup along the Ukraine border and what it could mean or will happen. First is Putin maybe doing this to force concessions from the West. I don't believe this is the case because I don't hear what they are talking about in their meetings either. Nothing suggests this so far to It looks like an Invasion is possible.

   The Ukraine Military is outnumbered by the Russians but Russia also has a huge border to protect and why NATO is deploying more troops it's self to force Russia to think twice or put them at risk enough to draw Russian troops to the other border area's. Russia's biggest advantage is Air power but the Ukrainians have planes too(Russia 1571 Ukraine 231) and more importantly anti-air missiles...loads of them. Also Tanks(Russia 2750 Ukraine 1150) ...Ukraine has been supplied by the US with many anti-tank missiles to. If Russia attacks it's army will get hurt bad if not destroyed and it's economy is already horrible. The Russian could win but the cost would be too much. Russia's economy would collapse and Putin would be out. As a Military man I can say Russia attacking would be dumb and an act of desperation for Putin. But I think he'll try anyway as he's a dictator and that's what they do and they don't think things out in the long game very well. If Russia attacks my guess is they would use Christmas for an attack as it would give them a better advantage than waiting.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


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