Truth Bomb by OVD : The Supreme Court nullifies it's self with new ruling

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Supreme Court ruled that States can nullify Federal and Constitutional Law with Texas new type of Law made to undermine Federal Law. Now we all know they are just doing this so they can Force women to bear children even in rape and incest cases. But what they failed to see is how their new Precedence set up States to nullify any Federal Law or even the Constitutions clauses. This means NY State for instance could Ban all guns as their Law would circumvent the Constitution...even the 2nd Amendment. So I'd like to see a new California State Law that makes it possible to sue anyone spreading lies on the Internet $1,000,000.00. Since we can circumvent the 1st Amendments protections. Or you can sue anyone bearing symbols of groups against American Confederate Flags or Swastikas...or Anyone pushing violence. Or anyone not vaccinated(they are putting my life and health at risk...I should be able to sue). 

  Basically they broke our Republic and gave away all power of the Supreme Court. This will have far reaching consequences and help destroy America. What evil morons.

What Laws would you like to see?

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large


  1. ...and California looks like they will be passing an anti-gun law just like it.


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