Truth Bomb by OVD : What are the Republican parties Policies

 Hey Everyone, 

  So today I will attempt to list the policies the Republican party is pushing for....lets see how good I do...


1) Anti-science : They are against vaccines, masks, evolution to the point they are killing their own sycophants with Covid.

2) Anti-Women : their push to end legal abortion is about one thing and one thing only...controlling women. To them women are property and have two purposes...making babies and doing what they are told.

3) Anti-Freedom of Religion and anti-separation of church and state. They have made clear they want an Anglo-Saxon Christian country and all others should be murdered or deported. 

4) Anti-Democracy and Republic. They make voting super hard by taking away voting rights and making voting a near impossible task. They won't accept losing and have even tried to overthrow American Democracy on Jan 6th 2021. They are still trying...

5) Anti-Union and workers. "Right to work" and refusing to raise the minimum wage

6) Kill the planet. We all know Climate change is happening yet they still try to deny it and stop policies that would slow or stop Global Warming. They push for more drilling and wars for oil.

7) Bigotry. They hate pretty much most Americans and what America stands for. They hate LGBTQ, the hate blacks, they hate Hispanics, they hate Jews, They hate Muslims, they hate Pagans, they have women, they hate Unionists, they hate the poor...I could go on but that would take a novel to list all the types of Americans they hate. 

8) Anti-Truth. Not only do they constantly lie and make up crazy shit...they get mad when someone speaks the truth(and why they hate me so bad I've been banned from Fascistbook and Twitler) and attack them.

9) Death Cult. So all these things combined show they are a death cult pushed by their hate of everything. They push to end the world like their book tells them to do and look forward to it. If you don't believe me ask them yourself. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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