...WTF...Oakland silent Happy NYE

 Hey Everyone....

   I'm kind of freaking out....it's 9:13 and I haven't heard any fireworks or guns yet...and I live in Oakland. It's like a calm before a big storm. I must be in bizaro world. Or some big shit is going to go down. Oakland usually starts before dark...it's been dark for hours...wtf...

I hope you all have a happy and safe NYE 



  1. Well it did go off at midnight but barley and only for a half hour or so.

  2. Happy new year, Otto! Hope you are staying warm. Wishing you a better year ahead! Alisa

  3. We had a lot of fireworks going off in between rainstorms. Then there were the idiots shooting off their firearms in the neighborhood. Just what I don't want. Drunk idiots with weapons.
    Anyway, happy new year. I hope it will be better for you.


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