Yule details Dec 21st 5m(Tuesday)

 Hey Everyone,

  So The Yule is coming up so here are the details again

My Address is 3003 MacArthur Blvd Apt 2 Oakland CA 94602 and cell is 510-289-0418 if you have questions...also email is ottoewen@yahoo.com 

It's a Tuesday(December 21st) so the start time is early...about 5 pm I'll start serving my Great Great Grand Mothers Mulled wine recipe. It's really good and really strong(but doesn't taste strong). You may want to bring as mug. I have some but if more show than I expect(and it's looking that way) I will run out and hot wine in a glass is hot. 

We have a spiral ham too and other Holiday treats. Scottish shortbread, Scandinavian gummies, fruit and other goodies.

There will be a tray of joints and pot cookies(clearly marked) too.

Everyone must be vaccinated

Other things to bring...more beer, wine, booze. More Treats and holiday foods. 

You may wish to carpool or take Lyft(it's better in Oakland) to avoid DUI's and the like. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis


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