American politics in one new easy metaphor

 Hey Everyone,

  Some of you may have already ready heard me use this but it's so good, I'm putting it out there for everyone.

American politics is like a gaping wound and only two political parties. One offers salt to rub in that wound and the other offers seas salt. 



  1. That pretty much covers it. But without a parliamentary system, I don't see it changing any time soon. It's kind of surprising that we've lasted as long as we have with what is essentially a two-party system. Independents and third-party candidates just can't afford to campaign.

    1. Yeah it's openly corrupt since Citizens United. The Senate should be abolished and the courts should be term limited. Bribery(campaign donations) needs to be illegal again and strictly enforced.

    2. And the electoral college is bullshit. It was written to give slave owners more say in the government. It needs to be abolished also and replaced by a National count. Then every state matters again. And the ones with bigger populations matter more. How the Hell does Rhode Island have as many Senators as California? How can 5 fly over states have more sway in the Presidential election than...again...California...or Texas or NY. Yet the rarely campaign or promise us salt(processed)

  2. There is a whole lot of truth in what you said. But I don't see changes coming because the ones who would do the changing don't want to lose power.

    1. True enough. The value personal power over our Republic and it's people.

  3. Well tested positive for covid this morning 🙄 you're Mr Whitetail is driving me f'n crazy so if you get a box and it's meowing, open quickly 😉 🤣 talk to you soon, I'll survive but I shall be a miserable bitch whilst doing so. Let me know how the roommate search is going, hope all else is well Maria

    1. Sorry to hear...Whitetail should pamper you now.


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