In case you didn't know Feb. 25th...

 Hey Everyone,

  So the first Vikings spin off starts Feb. 25th. It's called "Vikings Valhalla" and the preview shows it's going to rock...check it out

Yeah...I bet that sparked some interest.



  1. I really liked when the series showed a group of Vikings making it to North America and interacting with the Natives. I'm not sure how many people are aware that Vikings were in America long before other Europeans.
    It was also interesting to see their depiction of Ivar the Boneless. I'd heard of him before and was wondering how he would be portrayed.

    1. Yeah but it was us Norsk not the Danes that where in Greenland and Iceland and "Vineland" as we call the America's . It's becoming more known.

    2. So, your family came from Norway?

    3. Me and my Family yes. A long long time ago in a galaxy far far in the 1970's


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