Otto and Bubba updates combined

 Hey Everyone,

  So in an icy fog I went and got my Moderna booster at the VA. As a true patriot would do to save their fellow Americans. To bad we live in Bizaro world. While I was there I got a call from Bubba. He's out of ICU and sounds much better. He's in a regular hospital room with TV. His doctor says he has internal bleeding but they don't know where yet. That's the issue. Not drinking or any other bullshit. His ex-wife was who came up with that. I got my shot and now I'm home and the sun came out. Another friend is supposed to stop by with an once of killer weed after noon. I feel fine this time...arms not even sore....yet.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Hope you don't feel crappy from the booster, glad you got to talk to Bubba, Hope they figure out what's going on with him. Sorry I missed your calls been at my daughter's, think I told you oldest grandson had covid, her and younger have SARS, thankfully everyone's on the mend, only one that didn't catch anything is my son in law, who's a dedicated pot smoker 😂 Maria

  2. I'm doing fine...a bit tired and a sore arm...which is always sore anyways lol. Glad to hear your Faqm is doing better. I sent Rune Healing Magik of course.

  3. Thank you my friend, it worked ❤ Maria and of course Mr Whitetail 😀

    1. Give whitetail a treat and some scratches for me.

  4. I stay off the internet for a bit and people fall apart on me. I had no idea Bubba was doing so poorly. I hope they find out what is wrong soon and get him taken care of. Glad you were able to get your booster. Stay safe and I hope your friend comes through with the weed.

  5. I got the weed and Bubba's problem was Ulcers which they are taking care of.


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