Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm still breathing myself. The weather keeps getting cold and damp so my pain is through the roof. I get my booster shot tomorrow(finally) from the VA(moderna). And I had someone look at the place today. Seemed nice and clearly understood what the deal was. I hope he goes for it as I only have two weeks to go. If I can't rent it then I will be trying to get aid from Swords to plowshares or go homeless. So stress is also taking a toll on me. 

  On the entertainment level I've been playing Battlefield 2042. It's still got bugs but is fun to play and I'm ruling the battlefields. To the point teams of good players try to hunt me down...and not with much success. My title is "Absolute Legend" which is appropriate for sure.  As for shows there isn't much good on these days but was surprised by Peace Maker" which is hilarious. Definitely smoke some weed before watching. I give it a 7.5 out of 10. 

  On the food front...I'm tired of rice and beans but was able to get a little food to augment it. 

  Bubba is still in ICU so I have few to talk to on the phone to keep my sanity these days. If your bored give me a call or come visit if your vaccinated. I could use so human interaction. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis


  1. It's looking like Erik will be the one. He said he'd let me know soon.

    1. Sorry I'm so behind. I hope your roommate situation will soon be resolved.


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