OVD update and Shows/movie rating

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Ottostead is cleaned up and the room good to go. I've had a few look, but all young and flakey so I'm still looking. I will probably post a new AD for the room tomorrow to get some new folks interested. I really hope not to have to settle this time...then I'll be right back in the same spot in a few months.

  As for Health the cold rainy winter is kicking my bodies ass. I'm still using the cookies and weed for pain and have both. I've been sending all my runic healing magik to 2 friends with cancer and Maria that caught the Covid and is battling hard. I don't use it on myself anymore as I see no point in me being around any longer....no I'm not suicidal but my will to live is pretty much gone. I sit at home lonely and bored in massive pain...day after freaking day. I have little to nothing to look forward too.

  Food and finances...I was able to raise the money I needed for rent and almost enough for the bills. I may lose power or internet...but not both. As for food I'm surviving on rice and beans. I had peanut butter and honey sandwiches for a while but ran out of bread. It's been a long hard month to say the least. I had a pizza yesterday thanks to Margret. 

  I've been playing Battlefield 2042 to kill time. It's fun but still very broken. Lots of bugs and glitches that piss you off while playing. But it's still worth playing. I hope they put some time into fixes and bugs soon. If not the game will probably die.

  As for TV and movies here's a list of some I've watched with a 1 to 10 rating and comment.

The Expanse...9.5...the last season is out and the last episode is this Thursday. It's the best show on these days...the end will probably disappoint but that's the nature of such things these days. 

1883...7.5 rating...this series is a supposed "Yellowstone" prequel but has little to do with it. It starts harsh and real like the 1800's really were. It's good.

Boba Fett...6...predictable but it's star wars.

The Witcher season 2...6....not as good as season 1...lots of really ugly Anglo Saxons but entertaining enough to watch.

Hawkeye...3 rating...predicable...unbelievable and just bad acting and writing...save your time

Eternals...4 rating....way to long...way to predictable but great special effects.

GhostBusters afterlife...4 rating...again predictable and nothing special.

I hope this helps



  1. Thanks Otto, nothing has changed here, this fn virus has symptoms they don't even warn you about. Hope there's some better news about Bubba today. Sorry to hear things are not well with you 😢 how is the roommate search going? It's fn 20⁰ below zero here, not that I can leave the house but damn. I've not seen any of those movies or shows but I'm on a serial killer kick. Whitetail sends his best 🥰

    1. I'm just glad your vaccinated and will survive. I've been sending you, bubba and two friends with cancer, healing Rune Magik every night.


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